Who are BioNature

The merger of medicine and growth mindset.

Bionature E.A. Ltd, established in 2003, is a spin-off of the University of Crete in Greece. The Company’s founders are Professors Elias Castanas and Achilleas Gravanis, both of the University of Crete Medical School. Bionature’s stakeholders also include the private investment group of Emergo and the University of Crete.

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Crete was established in 1984 and is presently ranked among the best medical schools in Europe. Emergo is a diversified investment group with a long-term vision. Their ownership structure allows them to think outside of the box while respecting the mission and integrity of management and make short-track decisions that are aligned with the long-term strategies of portfolio companies.


– Add: House number D21, alley 350/54/35, Le Duc Tho street, Ward 6, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

– Tax: 0315899077

– Phone: 0282.2447 6363 

– Hotline: 0946 33 66 99

– Email: phanbonbionature@gmail.com

Research & Development

Our research focuses on science related to the neurobiology and neurophysiology of neurodegenerative processes. We implement state of the art technologies, such as reverse genomics, advanced imaging, human disease specific transgenic animals, neural stem cell biology.

Our research process Publications